viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Hello blogheads! Today I want to tell you the reasons because I decided to study geography. I think that the factors influenced my decision was foro n the one hand my skills for the humanista rea at the same time my interest for the scientist knowledges. In addition influenced the advices of my father, which really know me and to my skills too. Considering this aspects, the Geography was my best option, because is like a hybrid between the natural and social sciences.The aspect that I liked were curriculum, the fact that the Geography can to cover many areas of knowledge I liked and increased my atraction for her. Also the labor field includes field trips and that is very important for me because I don´t like the office work. Are few things which I don´t like of Geography, for example the low wages and the lack of knowledge about her in the society, The mayority think that the geographers do maps. When I will gradúate I hope to work in some job related with the study of environmental impacts of human activities. My objective is defend the nature with my knowledge abot the space.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Good morning people! This thursday I want to tell abour something for which I feel proud. The true is that I had never questioned this aspect of my life. For this reason was difficult found one. One of the stage more important in my life was when I was in the school. During my scolar stage I studied very much for get good marks. It was a hard work, that meant many hours of my life, sleep a few hours many times and leave to one side partys, meeting and others playful activitys. Also, I meant the anger of many friends and family because they don´t understood my worry for the study. I got the first place since fourth grade until that I graduated of the school. When I was in the school my mayor wish was enter to University of Chile, for study geography. My pride is explained for the fact that I reached to the university without the support of another educational institution, just with the preparation of my school that has not a high quality. My pride grew when I discovered that I entered in third place to the Geography in the Ubiversity of Chile.

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

This is England! For me It was very new watched this movie because I don`t had much information about the Skinhead and Neonazi, in fact I thought that were the same. Across this movie I knew their origins and ideals, also I knew the reason of their rivalry. The movie keeps very intrigued, because is difficult discern the way that will take Shaun. Also, I consider the movie some shocking because you can look the acts that the man is capable of doing for defend his ideals. I understand the decision of Shaun, because he don`t has a father figure in that moment, becoming very impressionable. Other aspect that like me of the movie is the chance for know the life that exist in the streets of England. I am not agree with the thinking of this groups because I consider it extremist and intolerant, becoming a barrier for a correct community life. I don`t knew many movies of England and watch "This is England" give me more interest for english creations.