domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

This is England! For me It was very new watched this movie because I don`t had much information about the Skinhead and Neonazi, in fact I thought that were the same. Across this movie I knew their origins and ideals, also I knew the reason of their rivalry. The movie keeps very intrigued, because is difficult discern the way that will take Shaun. Also, I consider the movie some shocking because you can look the acts that the man is capable of doing for defend his ideals. I understand the decision of Shaun, because he don`t has a father figure in that moment, becoming very impressionable. Other aspect that like me of the movie is the chance for know the life that exist in the streets of England. I am not agree with the thinking of this groups because I consider it extremist and intolerant, becoming a barrier for a correct community life. I don`t knew many movies of England and watch "This is England" give me more interest for english creations.

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