jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Good morning people! This thursday I want to tell abour something for which I feel proud. The true is that I had never questioned this aspect of my life. For this reason was difficult found one. One of the stage more important in my life was when I was in the school. During my scolar stage I studied very much for get good marks. It was a hard work, that meant many hours of my life, sleep a few hours many times and leave to one side partys, meeting and others playful activitys. Also, I meant the anger of many friends and family because they don´t understood my worry for the study. I got the first place since fourth grade until that I graduated of the school. When I was in the school my mayor wish was enter to University of Chile, for study geography. My pride is explained for the fact that I reached to the university without the support of another educational institution, just with the preparation of my school that has not a high quality. My pride grew when I discovered that I entered in third place to the Geography in the Ubiversity of Chile.

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