jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Hello everybody, today I will you to write about a special place in Santiago. This place is related with the activity that I have been doing in the last time, athletics. I refer to the Athletic Stadium Mario Recordon in the National Stadium, located in the commune Ñuñoa. I went to this place for first time in early April. This athletic track is my training site since almost six months. I train here with other athletes of the University, his names are: Elias, Camilo, Carlos, Hernán e Ignacio, just mans, therefore, this situation means more effort on my part. This place has become my favourite, because I feel very calm and I get to forget of all and just I focus in improve. Also I laugh very much with my training partners, making it more entertaining this activity. In this place all the people is professional and disciplined, in general the level of the people is great. Are like a example for me.On the other hand in this place I have competed for my faculty two time, with very good result, and also, recently I began to ba part of selection of athletics of my University. A big achievement for me.

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