viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014

Hello blogheads! Today I want to tell you the reasons because I decided to study geography. I think that the factors influenced my decision was foro n the one hand my skills for the humanista rea at the same time my interest for the scientist knowledges. In addition influenced the advices of my father, which really know me and to my skills too. Considering this aspects, the Geography was my best option, because is like a hybrid between the natural and social sciences.The aspect that I liked were curriculum, the fact that the Geography can to cover many areas of knowledge I liked and increased my atraction for her. Also the labor field includes field trips and that is very important for me because I don´t like the office work. Are few things which I don´t like of Geography, for example the low wages and the lack of knowledge about her in the society, The mayority think that the geographers do maps. When I will gradúate I hope to work in some job related with the study of environmental impacts of human activities. My objective is defend the nature with my knowledge abot the space.

jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

Good morning people! This thursday I want to tell abour something for which I feel proud. The true is that I had never questioned this aspect of my life. For this reason was difficult found one. One of the stage more important in my life was when I was in the school. During my scolar stage I studied very much for get good marks. It was a hard work, that meant many hours of my life, sleep a few hours many times and leave to one side partys, meeting and others playful activitys. Also, I meant the anger of many friends and family because they don´t understood my worry for the study. I got the first place since fourth grade until that I graduated of the school. When I was in the school my mayor wish was enter to University of Chile, for study geography. My pride is explained for the fact that I reached to the university without the support of another educational institution, just with the preparation of my school that has not a high quality. My pride grew when I discovered that I entered in third place to the Geography in the Ubiversity of Chile.

domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2014

This is England! For me It was very new watched this movie because I don`t had much information about the Skinhead and Neonazi, in fact I thought that were the same. Across this movie I knew their origins and ideals, also I knew the reason of their rivalry. The movie keeps very intrigued, because is difficult discern the way that will take Shaun. Also, I consider the movie some shocking because you can look the acts that the man is capable of doing for defend his ideals. I understand the decision of Shaun, because he don`t has a father figure in that moment, becoming very impressionable. Other aspect that like me of the movie is the chance for know the life that exist in the streets of England. I am not agree with the thinking of this groups because I consider it extremist and intolerant, becoming a barrier for a correct community life. I don`t knew many movies of England and watch "This is England" give me more interest for english creations.

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Good morning people! Today I want to tell you about a movie I would like to watch again. This movie I watched when I was 11 years old in my summer vacation, with my grandmother. I refer to “Billy Elliot”. The history is in Durham, England, where Billy, a boy of 11 years old,live with his father, brother (and grandmother. The Billy´s father inscribed to Billy in boxing class, which are made in the same gym of the ballet class. When Billy knew the ballet discovered that was his passion. For this reason, he began ballet class without his dad knowing. Billy practiced ballet for many time, but he was finally doscovered. The movie show all the way that must continue Billy for get his dreams. The starred of the movie is my favourite actor, called Jamie Bell. I must reveal that since the momento that I watch this movie, I felt love for this actor. I liked this movie because Ithink that the history is very bautiful, show how we should act for achieve our dreams althought the road looks dark. I have seen the movie about 100 times and I expect to keep on seeing you until I feel boring. I have this movie for almost ten years, in fact still I do not feel boring, I have watch other movies of Jamie Bell, for his high acting quality an very talented.

jueves, 23 de octubre de 2014

Good morning readers! Today I am going to tell you about a exhibition that I went to. This experience was recently, was in Valparaíso. I refer to "Mil tambores", on October 5 th, a saturday. This activity was during my participtation in the ELEG (Latin American meeting of geography students), and it was the best way of begin this meeting. I felt very excited, because I had heard about this carnival during the last time, and and reviews the suggested as a great experience. I went to carnival with my college mates and together lived this fun carnival. I remember that that day I heard thousands and thousand of drums playing at the same time, dancers, womens and mens with their bodies painted were part of show. I walked about 3 hours dancing, laughing and turning part of the carnival. I felt really happy that day, I consider it as to be a part of the celebration of my birthday. I remember that there were many people, of all the ages: childs, familys, couples, persons of the third age, youngers.... Much colors, garments, sounds, and all people were happy and me too. For this activity I felt interest for learn to play some percussion instrument, but only they were ideas of the moment jaja. I will remember this for ever because, was unforgettable experience. The perfect: Valparaíso, music and friends.I hope to repeat this experience n the next years.

jueves, 16 de octubre de 2014

Hello Bloggers :) This thursday I want to tell you about a interest thing: the books. The true is that in my life a few book have marked, but "The Diary of Anne Frank" is the exception. This is a autobiography of a little german girl that writes experiencias during the Second World War. I remember that I shoul read this book in the school, for the subject of language. I enjoyed this book, because the history is very heart-rending and the principal character "Ana" is a admirable girl. Also, I like this book because is about true facts and across of autobiographys is more fun learn about the world history. While I was reading the book, I felt anguished for the situation in which she was wrapped and also I felt surprised for the strength with which faced her life. I read this book when I was twelve years old, a close age to the ana, for this reason, I think that this history like me.The book is really good and I know that exist a museum in Amsterdam that show details about the life of Ana and I would like to know in the future. After of I read this book I began to feel a attraction for the autobiographys, therefore at the present I try to learn history acroos the story of others. I hope that in the summer I can read a similar story.

jueves, 9 de octubre de 2014

Hello reader! Today I want to tell you about something my inner world. I refer to one special talent. Sincerely, I think that I don`t have talent for nothing, but in the last time I had notice that I run very fast. I think that I have this talent for heredity, well my fother was a football player and my mother is her youth did much sport. Since that I was very small that my familiy and friends told me that about my speed, but I never thought about that. In everyday life this is very useful, in simple situation like when I go to take the bus, since when I see the bus approaching the whereabouts, I start running towards him to catch up. This act has meant that I don`t arrive late to many places, also, It has also prevented me problems with others person for the unpunctuality. At present, I am training athletics for my university for improve and developed this talent. My family and friends are very joy because think that when I run, I am happy and they are right. Is one the most beautiful activities of my life. The way for improve is very long, but worth it.

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

Good morning people! Today I want to tell you about a group activity that I enjoy very much. The activity group that I make with frequency is play football. I play football since my childhood, I think that when I was eleven years old. In this years I played football with my neighbours and we played in the field of our joint ownership. In the next years I began to train in a football school and I made very friends. We met to a jugar "pichangas" once in a while in the Parque O´Higgins or in a field that is at San Ramón. Presently, We don´t meet with this friends in parks, once in a while we play championships that last one day. Also at present I play football with the team of my University. For the moment we are training for the national university championship that start in two weeks. On the other hand in my Faculty I play the Copa Fau with people the first year of Geography, classmates of my generation and a student of architecture. I began to play this hampionship the last year. And the other place that I play football is San Carlos de Apoquindo, the tuesday evenings with my sister and friends, is a 5-a-side football league. We played this league in the first semester and now we hope to get the cup. Is apparent that I enjoy playing football, like me football because is a good way for forget the responsibilitys for a moment, a way of the maintain a appropiate physical condition and above all a excellent way for make friends. I have to known magnificent persons across this sport and I have lived unforgettable experiences.

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

Hi chilean people! today I want to tell you about an important date for everybody the chileans: Fiestas Patrias. Historically with my family have celebrated the Fiestas Patrias in Valparaíso with mother´s family (grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins). The last years with my family ate many meat on skewers, empanadas, sausages in bread, chicha (just the rest, I do not like the chicha. Also, we danced cueca with the best dancer, my grandparent, René, named for the grandchilds like "Papy duro" and enjoyed everybody together, with laughters and good energy. For me the bests Fiestas Patrias that I remember were in 2011, because without know were the last Fiestas Patrias with my grandmother. That fiestas patrias I remember because be with my grandmother was one the things more beautiful of my life beacuse she is and will be important in my day to day. She was very funny and was the factor of junction in my family. She cooked rich foods and always had a smile for any one. The typical activities of Chile I like very much because give to this activities a touch of fun and are a form useful of join to the people. The only activity that I don´t like is the Rodeo, because use animals for the entertainment of the people and the way is not the correct, the horsemans do the bueyes collide with the walls and this action can damage to the animals.

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

Hello everybody, today I will you to write about a special place in Santiago. This place is related with the activity that I have been doing in the last time, athletics. I refer to the Athletic Stadium Mario Recordon in the National Stadium, located in the commune Ñuñoa. I went to this place for first time in early April. This athletic track is my training site since almost six months. I train here with other athletes of the University, his names are: Elias, Camilo, Carlos, Hernán e Ignacio, just mans, therefore, this situation means more effort on my part. This place has become my favourite, because I feel very calm and I get to forget of all and just I focus in improve. Also I laugh very much with my training partners, making it more entertaining this activity. In this place all the people is professional and disciplined, in general the level of the people is great. Are like a example for me.On the other hand in this place I have competed for my faculty two time, with very good result, and also, recently I began to ba part of selection of athletics of my University. A big achievement for me.

jueves, 14 de agosto de 2014

Good morning everybody, today I am going to tell you about a special day in of my memory. I refer to family meal, which was in february of 2013, when I and my family went to Puerto Varas to visit a the cousin of my father, called Pamela. We were on holiday in the Futrono city, and to my father occurred to visit a his cousin. They hadn´t seen each other for a long time, for this reason this meal is so special. In the meal took part my brothers, my mom and dad, the boyfriend´ sister and the son of my boyfriend´ sister. Also of we met with the uncle Pamela, we knew to the husband of my uncle, called Tomas and their daughter called Natalia. This meeting was very funny, we laughed much, above all with my brother Marcelo, which, is a man of many talents, he is so good for imitate to famous people and for recreate animals sounds. The uncle Pamela is a excellent doctor and have a good sense of humour, I laughed a lot with her. In the meal my father and my uncle remembered childhood´anecdotes. The meal was delicious and flling, I remember that we ate cake and many bread with egg. Really, that day of the best days of my vacation.

jueves, 31 de julio de 2014

My Winter break This year my Winter break was very tranquil. I dedicated to rest and refill energies fot the second semester. In the first week my principal activity was watch movies and for above all watch the serie "New girl", which has 3 season. I achieved to see just 2 season and I hope to end the last season this week. On the other hand, I trained athletics, which permit me to feel good physically and psychologically.